Thursday, July 8, 2010

Toronto to Amsterdam or Traveling With The Dutch

I have stopped counting days and miles as both categories have accelerated and seem less applicable to the story these days. After being dropped off by my inn-keeper, driver and life-long friend, I ran the check-in and security gauntlets at Pearson airport in Toronto before waiting patiently to board my KLM flight to Amsterdam. Staring out at the 747 that would be my conveyance for the next 7+ hours, I noticed it was named "City of Nairobi". Kismet, karma, or just a wild coincidence? Who knows, but it felt oddly comforting, like the plane knew the way.

As is the case with so much of modern life, the call to board the plane was utter chaos despite the Canadian expertise at queueing. I blame all the non-Canadians for creating the mess. The clear announcements of who should board when were ignored and I, of course, grew angry. My anger momentarily subsided as I found my window seat in the "Comfort Economy" section. My hopes for extra comfort were temporarily raised as the 2 seats to my right remained empty as the rest of the section filled. It was all for naught as an elderly Dutch couple eventually arrived at my row and claimed their seats.

Fortunately, they weren't talkers and it was quickly established that our flight would be gloriously free of small talk. I think it may have been their aversion to the English language that was the biggest hint. Sadly, the gentleman took the middle seat and rested his elbow just over and onto my side of the armrest, resulting in the ever slightest yet constant poke in my ribs. Damned Dutch. Did I mention the thick, dark hairs growing from his ears? Or perhaps the fact that he required frequent trips to the rest rooms and made his wife get out of her seat each time? I'm also pretty sure there were anti-Canadian messages in his Dutch newspaper.

The flight was uneventful and 7+ hours later, we began our descent into Amsterdam while flying over off-shore wind farms, farmland, and the vast shipping infrastructure. After a long taxi and a quick de-planing, I roamed the airport in search of a lounge for my 3 hour layover.

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