Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 41 - Portland, OR to Everett, WA. The Long Way

Days on the road: 41.
Miles today: 384.
Miles to date: 8251.

Oh joy, more rain. I know this is the Northwest, but 3 days of rain in a convertible blows. I had hoped to avoid some of the inclement weather by heading inland, so I pointed the little blue Audi East and rolled the dice. Much like in Las Vegas, I crapped out. The clouds were heavy and low, obscuring the mountains that I had hoped to see. I went inland via the Columbia River gorge, weaving along the river's bends and climbing all the while. It was again verdant and lush, and those well-draining roads continued. My trip took me past the Cascade Locks, a place called Starvation Creek (I wonder what happened there), and through The Dalles, home of a honking big power dam.

I then cut North into the Tekama reservation which turns out to be apple and pear country. Up, high on a plateau, were orchards and ranches and vineyards too. Passing through the Rattlesnake Hills, I went through Yakima, Selah, and Ellensburg. Then it was a massive downhill run back through the Cascades Range, through Bellevue and settling in Everett, WA. If you know what is here, you'll know tomorrow morning's big activity.

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